2009 Skeena Sockeye Lakes Hydroacoustic Surveys
Executive Summary
Skeena Fisheries Commission (SFC) conducted hydroacoustic surveys at five sockeye
rearing lakes in the Skeena Watershed. Shallow and glacial turbid lakes were selected in
order to determine whether a horizontally oriented transducer in conjunction with
conventional down-looking hydroacoustic methodology would effectively sample the top
layers of lakes where fish are thought to be surface oriented. Surveys were conducted at
Atna, Azuklotz, Kalum, Motase, and Slamgeesh Lakes. The horizontal transducer proved
to be most effective at Atna, Azuklotz and Motase lakes. Overall fish density ranged
from 49 fish/hectare at Atna Lake to 1,041 fish/hectare at Azuklotz lake.
- download file
- https://skeenawatershedinitiative.ca/libraryfiles/lib265.pdf
0.9 MB
- author
- Carr-Harris, C.
- publication year
- 2010
- document type
- report
- subjects
- stock assessment
- location
- Atna Lake, Azuklotz Lake, Kalum Lake, Motase Lake, Slamgeesh Lake
- related species
- sockeye