Skeena Watershed Initiative


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The library includes copies of all final reports and other materials produced by Skeena Watershed Initiative projects.

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title author year type related species
Skeena Sockeye Habitat Poster (medium resolution)Ecotrust Canada2011postersockeye
Skeena Sockeye Habitat Poster (high resolution)Ecotrust Canada2011postersockeye
Annotated Bibliography: Resources Relating to Sockeye Salmon Habitat of the Skeena WatershedEcotrust Canada2010reportsockeye
Wet’suwet’en Fisheries Steelhead Tagging Project at Moricetown Canyon July to October 2009: Data Summary and RecommendationsSaimoto, R.K.; Saimoto, R.S.2010reportsteelhead
Steelhead Bycatch and Mortalities in the Commercial Skeena Net Fisheries of British Columbia from Observer Data: 1989 to 2009J.O. Thomas and Associates Ltd.2010reportsteelhead
Acoustic Telemetry Measurements of Survival and Movements of Adult Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) within the Bulkley River, 2009Welch, D.W.; Lydersen, H.; Porter, A.D.; Neaga, L.; Muirhead, Y.2010reportsteelhead
Database of Area 4 Chum escapement data by stream 1900-2009Spilsted, B.; Peacock, D.2010datachum
Area 4 Chum Enumeration Plan EvaluationSpilsted, B.; Peacock, D.2010reportchum
2009 Area 4 Skeena Chum escapement survey: assessment summary, Stream Inspection Logs, and Sampling Site Location Aerial PhotosSpilsted, B.; Peacock, D.2010datachum
Gitanyow Fisheries Authority Kitwanga River Salmon Enumeration Facility — 2009 Annual ReportKoch, K.; McCarthy, M.2010report(multiple species)
Angling Guide Data Summary for the 1990 to 2002 and 2004 to 2007 Licence Years in the Skeena River WatershedSaimoto, R.K.; Saimoto, R.S.2010report(multiple species)
Slamgeesh Lake Smolt Sampling Project 2009Hooper, A.; Gottesfeld, A.S.2010reportsockeye
2009 Skeena Sockeye Lakes Hydroacoustic SurveysCarr-Harris, C.2010reportsockeye
Skeena River Chinook Baseline Sampling 2009Gottesfeld, A.S.2010reportchinook
Stock Identification of Skeena River Summer Steelhead using Microsatellite DNA LociBeacham, T.D.; Beere, M.C.2009reportsteelhead
Steelhead Tagging Project at Moricetown Canyon July to October 2008 by Wet’suwet’en Fisheries: Data Analysis and Recommendations.SKR Consultants Ltd2009reportsteelhead
Appendices to Steelhead Tagging Project at Moricetown Canyon July to October 2008 by Wet’suwet’en Fisheries: Data Analysis and RecommendationsSKR Consultants Ltd2009reportsteelhead
Angling Guide Data Summary for the 2007/2008 Licence Year Skeena River Watershed.Saimoto, R.K.; Saimoto, R.S.2009report(multiple species)
Evaluation of a mark-recapture procedure to assess the catchability rate of the Tyee test fishing gill-netLabelle, M.2009reportsteelhead
An exploratory investigation on possible approaches used to minimize terminal fishery impacts on the Skeena River steelhead populationLabelle, M.2009reportsteelhead