Small Lake Sockeye Hydroacoustic Surveys 2009
Small lake sockeye populations in the Skeena watershed have been severely depressed for decades. In the past, monitoring the status of small lake sockeye has proven difficult because of remote locations and the poor visibility of glacially fed lakes. These studies employ a novel, cost-effective method for enumerating sockeye populations in small, turbid lakes – a dual-beam data-recording echosounder with concurrent trawl and gillnet sampling. The Skeena Fisheries Commission surveyed fall sockeye fry in five turbid and/or shallow lakes in the Skeena watershed (Atna, Azuklotz, Kalum, Motase, and Slamgeesh).
- project objectives
- Estimate sockeye abundance in five small rearing lakes using a novel hydroacoustic survey technique.
- related documents
- project timeline
- July 1, 2009
to March 31, 2010 - project lead
- Skeena Fisheries Commission
- subjects
- stock assessment
- location
- Atna Lake, Azukotz Lake, Kalum Lake, Motase Lake, Slamgeesh Lake
- related species
- sockeye